For I am a peddler of words lost in space and time filling in gaps of insignificance to outright the inconceivable.

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. But if you have not a pen, I suppose you must scratch any way you can. ~Samuel Lover, Handy Andy, 1842

Sunday, August 18, 2013

It all started with a Lollipop

she need be reminded of this childlike ambition I once had
in outweighing the mortal blows of reality
that every stride of prick and puncture
will do justice to a self-fulfilling achievement
yearned since the stealing of her innocence
that by the cold sweat of her brows
future contentment shall materialize
in the palms of her hand
like a wishing feather forever rested
to the swaying of the winds.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sibling Love

Photo taken by my sister Kate Briz

Egyptian Doll

"I am the Nile. I will have sons. Isis has told me." ― Cleopatra


It is only when I'm writing that I find myself in perfect solace 
of being totally insane and at the same time, in control of the universe.



For I am wordless
as I am sleep-deprived during the night.

Write I say, strive I must
to feed this eternal literary hunger.

This will never be over
nor will it ever be enough.
