For I am a peddler of words lost in space and time filling in gaps of insignificance to outright the inconceivable.

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. But if you have not a pen, I suppose you must scratch any way you can. ~Samuel Lover, Handy Andy, 1842

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hydrocortisone, thou art a heartless bitch.


The uncomfortable bed sheet. 

Sleep has already crawled up my faculties when red spots started to spread and map across my skin - all the way from my neck and arms down to my legs. It was an unpleasant sight to behold, neither the irritation it brought about. I felt tremendously hot and the growing itch never left my fragile body. 

Right there and then, I knew it's time to make the move. 


Hospital doors. 

They are not as welcoming as other doors could be. The attendants were pretty much just walking scrub suits before my eyes. It has been ages since I got admitted/confined in an emergency room and I am not at all fond of being in a sick bay. The place is just hauntingly depressing. 

When the doctor was through with his questionings, he finally instructed the attendant to give me the shot. I had no choice. That's the only way to beat the allergies. So there I lay in the hospital bed looking only at one familiar face in belief that what will be done to me next would not hurt as much as I've expected. 

The nurse had all the medical tools prepared. The cold and tight press of the tourniquet on my skin made my heart skipped a beat of fear. I never bothered to look at the needle that was soon to pierce the delicate vein inside my body for I know I would not like the way it would look. My boyfriend stood by my bedside assuring me it's going to be over quick as I hugged his left hand firmly, squeezing it as hard as I can at the first needle prick. 

I thought it was going to be over fast.

Despite the soothing words both the attendant and Simon kept reciting, my anatomy reeled in when the second injection came through. The penetration stung like a thousand bees as it aided the fluid drug to my bloodstream. I felt it jolt all the way up to my left shoulder. It was sorely numbing that I cried like a helpless little girl begging for the nurse to stop. That was the longest and most excruciating 5 minutes of my life.

When it was over and the first needle was taken out, I saw that the bleeding won't stop. I panicked over worry and my body started to twitch involuntarily. The nurse had to redo the cotton bandage to ensure that the right amount of pressure was applied on my hand. He asked me to calm it down and keep breathing it out. (I wish I had my smokes.) It was nauseating. I just want to feel better again.



After the torment that which would free me from this unfortunate condition, the doctor said I may get dizzy. He wasn't lying. I loss count of time. I stayed in the ER for at least 45 minutes more just to rest. I can't exactly remember if I've fallen asleep or I was just half-asleep during that period of time. When I got my full consciousness back, the red marks on my body finally fell into a faint. Simon's still at my side holding my hand. I was still feeling weak, but to go home and rest I must. That's the only place I want to be at that very moment.



My sister prepared my meal. I got antihistamine drugs to take. Mom has no clue of what happened to me. And I think it's better that way so she won't worry a lot.

To be honest, I really don't understand how I got the allergies. I'm no allergic to any food. In my 27 years of existence, I never encountered such illness. The doctors can't identify which triggered the hypersensitivity, but there's this possibility that the medicine I was taking for my pharyngitis caused it. 

Anatomy, why do you repel drugs?

Whatever reason there is, I really have no clue. All I know is, my body is out of sorts and it needs its utmost care. I will see the hospital again on the morrow.

I'm sorry work, but you are the least of my concerns right now.

Get well soon, self.

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