For I am a peddler of words lost in space and time filling in gaps of insignificance to outright the inconceivable.

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. But if you have not a pen, I suppose you must scratch any way you can. ~Samuel Lover, Handy Andy, 1842

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Crumpy Bites



21 years ago, I was told stories of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty and the sorts. All of them carried a happy ending as their finale.

And I believed them.

So much that I became a hopeful wreck wishing and expecting things to be better than what they are not.

Like them princesses, I held into my hopes and courage trusting that one fine day, my turning moment would come and last like err, forever. Haha! I'm so naive. Well, obviously that didn’t happen. I may have reached the edge of being in a perfect state yet it didn’t actually last.

Yes, pop goes the weasel and now you’re back to reality. Sometimes in a snap, and worse, after a long momentum of winning and achieving. Often times, the next thing you know is either you are climbing the same steps to reach the same goal until you’re deadly beaten or you’re finding another route to escape and start anew. 

Oh life… I guess each wonderland’s story doesn’t want us to be hopeful. Instead, it wanted us to understand that life can only offer a little bit of fantasy and it’s up to us how we're gonna make that little magic, happiness or not, worth the living.

Reality bears imperfection. No matter what, it is no mathematics. Postulating problems is far different from living the life and surviving relationships. There goes the drama, the laugh, and the sourgraping. Always the real deal of course.

I've known people are complicated enough with their exquisite rationalities. I myself included.


Of all the blog entries I wrote for the past years, this has always been my favorite. 

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